26 3月



Steel 製鉄所用の工程油剤ソリューション Applications for your steel mill: クエーカーホートンの違い Our dedicated steel specialists, working closely with our R&D chemists, partner with your team to develop customized solutions based on extensive knowledge of your business goals and unique operating environment [...]

27 3月

CONAC – Congress and exhibition


CONAC is a Steel industry conference and exposition produced by the Mexican Chapter of AIST. This bi-annual event includes lectures and exhibits. The tradeshow features conferences divided into four categories: Steelworks, Rolling, Maintenance and Safety, 4.0 Industry, Steel Processes and Applications. Additionally, the exhibitions include some of the most important steel production and supply companies in the Latin American Steel industry.

CONAC – Congress and exhibition2020-03-27T10:18:40-04:00