O Nás Quaker HoughtonTM
Jsme globálním lídrem v oblasti průmyslových tekutin, neustále se zlepšujeme a inovujeme, takže světoví výrobci oceli, hliníku, automobilů, letadel, strojů a průmyslových dílů mohou v tomto měnícím se světě zůstat napřed.Naši chemici, technici a odborníci v oboru spolupracují s našimi zákazníky, aby neustále zlepšovali svůj provoz, mohli fungovat ještě výkonněji, dokonce ještě efektivněji, ať se děje cokoli.
Jsme hrdí, že poskytujeme služby v těchto odvětvích:
Neželezné kovy
Zpracovávání kovů
Letecký průmysl a obrana
Doprava – díly
Doprava – OEM
Trubice a potrubí
Konzervárenský průmysl
Povrchová úprava kovů
Speciální Nátěry
Quaker HoughtonTM Leadership
Joseph A. Berquist
Joseph A. Berquist was named Chief Executive Officer and President of Quaker Houghton and appointed to the Board as a director on November 18, 2024.
Mr. Berquist, who has been employed by the Company since 1997, most recently served as Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer from January 2023 until November 2024. Prior to that role, Mr. Berquist served as Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, and Managing Director, Global Specialty Businesses, from September 2021 through December 2022. Additionally, he served as Interim Managing Director of EMEA, from August 2022 through December 2022. Prior to his appointment to Executive Vice President, Mr. Berquist served as Senior Vice President, Global Specialty Businesses and Chief Strategy Officer from August 2019 until September 2021. Throughout his tenure at the Company, Mr. Berquist has served in various leadership positions of increasing responsibility across the entirety of the business. Mr. Berquist holds a B.E. in chemical engineering from Youngstown State University and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.
Click the image below to see each executive’s biography: