Electrostatic Spray Technology for complete coverage and superior performance


Purposely developed for  DIE SLICK® AH K water free die-release products, our electrostatic spray technology delivers unrivalled die lubricant coverage and thickness for ultimate die-release performance, whilst applying very small lubricant volumes and reduced spray and cycle times.

Unlike conventional air spray methods, our electrostatic spray technology negatively charges release agent particles which are attracted to the grounded die, resulting in a uniform coverage across the whole die surface.

Our unique controls panels enable complete optimization of the die spray process, and offers control of applied lubricant volume, spray velocity and spray cone shape for truly tailored application.

Due to the electrostatic nature of the process, spray gun arrangement does not need to be optimized for specific dies, and a single spray head typically comprising one to four guns can be used across many different molds.  As part of our solutions package our engineering team will design and supply the high performance spray head system, including end of arm tooling and dress packs.

The electrostatic system is fully interlocked and alarmed with an HMI to allow quick access to process parameters and logged data.

Key Benefits:

  • Excellent adhesion

  • Guarantees total die coverage

  • Precise control of atomizing air pressure to further control adhesion on difficult areas of the die such as deep ribs

  • Total control of pattern air given maximum options for wide or narrow/deep spread of lubrication during the spray cycle

  • Flexible pump speed to further control spray volume/second during the spray cycle

  • Automated and calibrated HMI calculation of spray volume per shot

  • Optional flow sensors on the 2.5mm ID of the oil line for additional security of production

  • Logs key system parameters (e.g. flow, pressure) for every shot

  • User friendly HMI touch screen

  • Faster cycle times

  • Designed for ease of maintenance – reducing process downtime